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Why is Anger the Most Acceptable Male Emotion? Ever wonder why anger seems to be the go-to emotion for men? As a a therapist in Hermosa Beach working with both couples and individuals, I hear this question all the time. Whether it’s in the therapy room or even in casual conversations, people often ask why […]

Anger as the most acceptable emotion for men

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Are Feelings Real? Understanding Emotions from a Therapist’s Perspective “Are feelings real? Are we actually feeling reality?” As a therapist, working with both couples and individuals in Hermosa Beach and the South Bay area (and virtually for all you California folks), I hear these questions all the time. Feelings are a central part of being […]

Are feelings real?

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Ever catch yourself asking, “Am I being too sensitive or just a little too dramatic right now?” If so, you’re definitely not alone. A lot of us have those moments where we question our reactions and wonder if we’re over the top or simply overthinking. Spoiler alert: overthinking has a way of turning the volume […]

Am I too Sensitive or too Dramatic?

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At the heart of the human brain—our body’s command center, controlling everything from thoughts to emotions and actions—lies the limbic system. This powerhouse of interconnected structures is essential for processing emotions and forming memories. Understanding how it works can shed light on why we feel and behave the way we do, and it offers key […]

Brain: Understanding the Limbic System

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The Parasympathetic Nervous System: Your Built-In Chill Button** We all have days when stress piles up, and we just need a moment to breathe. Lucky for us, the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) has our back! This amazing part of our body is like a built-in “chill button” that helps us unwind, digest, and recover. Whether […]

Brain: Understanding the Parasympathetic Nervous System

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The Prefrontal Cortex: Your Brain’s CEO Ever wondered why you sometimes make really smart decisions… and other times, not so much? Well, let me introduce you to the prefrontal cortex, your brain’s personal CEO. Located right behind your forehead, this part of the brain is responsible for handling all the high-level tasks that keep your […]

Brain: Understanding the Prefrontal Cortex

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As a couples therapist, who works with clients in person in Hermosa Beach/South Bay and virtually in California, I often witness the profound impact that effective communication can have on relationships. One approach that I find particularly powerful in fostering understanding and connection is Nonviolent Communication (NVC). In this blog, we’ll explore the four key […]

Enhancing Connection: A Therapist’s Guide to Effective Communication in Relationships

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In relationships, effective communication stands as the cornerstone, and at its heart lies the often overlooked art of listening. As a couples therapist, who works with clients in person in Hermosa Beach and virtually in California, I’ve witnessed how genuine listening can deepen connections, foster understanding, and ultimately strengthen the bond between partners. The Power […]

The Art of Listening in Relationships: Listening as the Most Important Communication Skill

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If you’re finding yourself wondering if you need to get a divorce, there’s clearly a part of your relationship that needs some love. Relationships are nuanced and highly personal, so while I can’t tell you whether or not you need to get a divorce, I can explore with you the reasons that may have left […]

Navigating Complex Crossroads: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

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“I want to love you without clutching, appreciate you without judging, join you without invading, invite you without demanding, leave you without guilt, criticize you without blaming, and help you without insulting. If I can have the same from you, then we can truly meet and enrich each other.” ― Virginia Satir Understanding the dynamics […]

3 Do’s and Don’ts For A Healthy Relationship