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Emotional immaturity can manifest in various ways, making relationships challenging and draining. From the narcissist to the victim, emotionally immature individuals can exhibit toxic behaviors that can be detrimental to your well-being. In this blog we will explore the signs of emotional immaturity, the different types of emotionally immature people, and most importantly, how to […]
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Emotional intimacy is an important aspect of any relationship, yet many people struggle to connect on a deeper emotional level. Some individuals turn to physical intimacy as a substitute for emotional closeness, seeking validation and a sense of connection through sex. As a therapist, who works with couples and individual clients in person in Hermosa […]
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We often hear the term the savior complex, but what exactly it is and how common yet often misunderstood it is. The definition is pretty straight forward- it’s a pattern where one person feels compelled to save their partner from their problems or difficulties. But what does it truly mean to have a savior complex […]
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The fear of being alone is a common psychological fear that involves the fear of being without the presence or support of others. It can stem from a variety of underlying fears, such as fear of rejection, abandonment, or not being good enough. The fear of being alone can greatly impact our relationships, as it […]
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Perfectionism is a complex trait that often stems from the belief that one must be perfect to be loved. This belief can be deeply ingrained, and it can shape our self-worth and influence our relationships. It can also impact our mental health, leading to anxiety and depression. But perfectionism can be managed. Through affirmations, self-compassion, […]
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When we talk about couples therapy, the word “communication” comes up a lot. With that in mind, I want to talk about one specific model of communication styles, Virginia Satir’s Model of Communication. This model introduces four distinct communication stress styles: Placater, Blamer, Computer, and Distracter. Communication stress styles refer to the different ways in […]
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Family plays a crucial role in shaping individuals’ identities and relationships. I want to explore the significance of family roles, and how they impact individuals. Each family member often assumes a specific role within their family dynamic, and often that can inform how they show up in relationships. We will delve into how these roles […]
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In love and relationships, we often find ourselves entangled in the allure of fantasies, shielding us from the rawness that is real life. As a couples therapist, it’s crucial to navigate through these illusions and guide couples toward accepting their love as it truly is. Today, I want to delve into the dichotomy of life’s […]
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Have you ever wondered why is anger the most acceptable male emotion? As a therapist, who works with couples and individual clients in person in Hermosa Beach/South Bay and virtually in California, I hear this question from both men and women all the time. From our family of origin to our relationships, the expression of […]
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“Are feelings real? Are we feeling reality?” As a therapist, who works with couples and individual clients in person in Hermosa Beach/South Bay and virtually in California, I hear these questions on a daily basis. Feelings are a fundamental part of our human experience as they guide our actions, shape our relationships, and influence our […]