reach out

Or easier, at least. Opening up to a stranger is hard, especially when you have to choose one from a sea of options. I aim to make that process as easy as possible as it can be, so reach out if you think we might be a good fit.

Let's make starting with a new therapist easy...


I provide telehealth sessions / online therapy to clients in California.

I also provide in person sessions in Hermosa Beach, California. The office is located at 2615 Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 326 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

Where and how we can work together


reach out

Just reach out! I offer a complimentary consultation so that we can answer any questions you may have, and confirm that we are a good fit. It’s important to be a good fit; I value my relationship with my clients, and see that client-therapist relationship as the first step to healing. With that in mind, if we aren't a perfect fit, I am happy to point you in the direction of one of my many therapist referrals that might be better able to  serve you.

How to Get Started


50-minute session fee: $250
90-minute session fee : $375

I am an Out of Network provider and don't accept insurance. If you have a PPO insurance plan, you may receive reimbursement and I can provide a monthly superbill. You’ll need to speak directly with your insurance carrier to learn more about their policies and your benefits.

Fees & Insurance


I have a 24-hour cancellation policy. What this means is that any cancellation outside of 24 hours before your session will not incur a fee. Cancellation within 24 hours of session is billed full session fee.

Cancellation Policy
