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Perfectionism is a complex trait that often stems from the belief that one must be perfect to be loved. This belief can be deeply ingrained, and it can shape our self-worth and influence our relationships. It can also impact our mental health, leading to anxiety and depression. But perfectionism can be managed. Through affirmations, self-compassion, […]

Needing to be perfect in order to be loved

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At the heart of human brain, the command center for our body, controlling our thoughts, emotions, and actions, lies the limbic system. This group of structures plays a crucial role in our emotional life and memory, and understanding what it is and how it works, can help us understand why we feel and behave the […]

Brain: Understanding the Limbic System

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One of the fundamental components of the human body is the parasympathetic nervous system, a system that plays a crucial role in our daily functions and overall well-being. From aiding in relaxation and digestion to promoting healing, this system is essential for maintaining balance and health. But what exactly is the parasympathetic nervous system? How […]

Brain: Understanding the Parasympathetic Nervous System

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The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that is located at the front, just behind the forehead, and is responsible for high-level cognitive functions which include decision making, problem-solving, and planning. It also plays a crucial role in mental control such as attention, impulse control, and emotional regulation. In this blog, as a […]

Brain: Understanding the Prefrontal Cortex