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When we talk about couples therapy, the word “communication” comes up a lot. With that in mind, I want to talk about one specific model of communication styles, Virginia Satir’s Model of Communication. This model introduces four distinct communication stress styles: Placater, Blamer, Computer, and Distracter. Communication stress styles refer to the different ways in […]

Communication Styles

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Family plays a crucial role in shaping individuals’ identities and relationships. I want to explore the significance of family roles, and how they impact individuals. Each family member often assumes a specific role within their family dynamic, and often that can inform how they show up in relationships. We will delve into how these roles […]

What role did you play growing up in your family of origin?

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Have you ever wondered why is anger the most acceptable male emotion? From our family of origin to our relationships, the expression of male rage and anger is often seen as a sign of strength. But is it healthy? And what are the implications of this societal norm that is so deeply rooted in our […]

Anger as the most acceptable emotion for men

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Are feelings real? Are we feeling reality? Feelings are a fundamental part of our human experience as they guide our actions, shape our relationships, and influence our perceptions of the world. Yet, understanding the relationship between feelings can be complex. Are feelings reality? Or are they merely subjective experiences, distinct from the objective world? Read […]

Are feelings real?

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In relationships, effective communication stands as the cornerstone, and at its heart lies the often overlooked art of listening. As a couples therapist, I’ve witnessed how genuine listening can deepen connections, foster understanding, and ultimately strengthen the bond between partners. The Power of Listening Listening goes beyond merely hearing words; it’s a commitment and a […]

The Art of Listening in Relationships: Listening as the Most Important Communication Skill